L5R: Buy 1 Get 1 Free Promotion Sign-Ups

Tuesday November 25, 2014

The 20th Anniversary of Legend of the Five Rings is approaching and we would like to have you celebrate with us. By signing up you will be agreeing to participate in the promotion. Participating stores will be listed on L5R.com.

To participate in this promotion sign up via your distributor directly by MONDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 2014.

We have a special offering from the Daidoji Trading Council of AEG.

In efforts to assist shop owners with the preparation of their patrons with the necessary items to compete in the upcoming 2015 Kotei Season we are humbly offering to you, at no cost, five (5) booster boxes of Ivory Legal Booster Packs.

These packs are to be used as part of a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Promo lasting from January 1st � February 14th, or when sold out.

Buy 1 Get 1 Free Promo Includes:
- 5 Free Assorted Booster Boxes of Ivory Arc Legal Boosters�
- 1�Promotion�Poster�

We encourage you to promote in store play to encourage your L5R community to grow. Constructed and Draft formats will be used during the 2015 Kotei Seasons, so this is a great opportunity to host events in your store that will prepare players for the upcoming tournaments.

Limited to the first 200 stores.
Limited to one offer per store.
MUST be a Stronghold store.
Please talk to your account rep to sign up.

Download Promo

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