Tuesday September 26, 2017

Indian Summer, a new puzzle-based design from fan-favorite Uwe Rosenberg, will be released by Stronghold Games in the U.S. in January.

A sequel to Rosenberg’s Cottage Garden (see “Reap What is Sown in Uwe Rosenberg’s Gardening Game”), Indian Summer celebrates the fall season, when the trees release their brightly-colored foliage to coat the forest floor. Players use puzzle tiles to cover parts of their own individual forest board, hiding various “treasures” such as nuts, berries, mushrooms, and feathers. Collecting these treasures can also grant the player additional strategic options. In the end, the player who can completely cover their board first wins the game.

Indian Summer comes with 2 game boards, 6 individual forest boards, 75 leaf tiles, 20 animal tiles, 32 squirrel tokens, 4 backpacks, 1 berry bush, 1 hiking shoes token, and 80 treasure tokens. It is intended for a slightly more experienced audience than Cottage Garden, with a recommended age of 10 and up. The game supports 1 to 4 players, and plays in about 15 minutes per player.



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