Friday July 03, 2020

Alderac Entertainment Group unveiled Calico, quilt puzzle tile-laying game, for release in October.

In Calico, players try to sew the coziest quilt from patch tiles with different colors and patterns in an attempt to attract kitties to cuddle on it. On their turn, players choose a single patch tile from their hand and sew it into their quilt, then draw another patch. If they create a color group, they can sew a button onto the quilt, and if they create a pattern combination, cats attracted to that pattern will come over and nuzzle up on the quilt. Players score victory points for buttons, cat cuddles, and how well they stuck to their quilt pattern.

The game box comes with 4 Dual-layer Quilt boards, 108 Patch tiles, 80 Cat tokens, 52 Button tokens, 24 Design Goal tiles, 5 Double-Sided Cat Scoring tiles, 6 Black & White Patch tiles, a score pad, a cloth bag, a Master Quilter tile, a Button Scoring tile, and a rulebook. This game is for one to four players, ages 14 and up, plays in 30 to 45 minutes, and will retail for $39.99.



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