Illinois retailer McDonough wins NHLPA promotion contest

Thursday September 23, 2010

An announcement from Adam Larry, NHLPA licensing director:

It’s been a long hot summer, but the first puck-drop of 2010-11 is right around the corner. And with pre-season games fast-approaching, the NHLPA has announced the winners of the recently announced contest to submit your best Hobby Shop Promotional idea.

Congratulations to Keith McDonough of Bleachers Sports in Winnetka, IL

Keith submitted his recommendation for an easily executed in-store promotion that puts an updated spin on the classic Pack Wars concept. For submitting the winning entry – which, along with numerous other entires, we will forwarded to all interested members of the hobby store community to help promote and encourage new ideas amongst the community - Keith has won an autograph appearance by an NHL player and customer appreciation pizza-party in his store, courtesy of the NHLPA. The runner-up entry came from Brian Vanclieaf of Great Canadian Games & Hobbies in Sudbury, ON. Great Canadian proposed a grassroots program that gets schools and local minor hockey programs access to free promo packs just for kids visiting the store. Brian has won an NHLPA Rookie Showcase signed item and prize pack. An honorable mention goes to the promotion idea submitted by Donna Rubin of American Legends in New York, who proposed a very detailed scavenger hunt program that might be a solid fit for hobby shops located in malls or busy retail complexes. A prize pack is coming their way as well.

Thanks to all those who entered, and good luck with any programs you have lined up for the upcoming NHL season start!

If you would like further details on these promotions, please feel free to contact Adam Larry, or the NHLPA team through the e-mail address

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